The EHC Now! Compilation Newsletter gathering all EHC Now! articles from September 2019 to January 2020 is now out! In this edition, you will also find contributions from our Round Table sponsors. We hope you will enjoy reading it!
Consult the EHC Now! Compilation Newsletter here.
In this issue:
A message from the EHC President and CEO
EHC news
- EHC elects Declan Noone as its new President
- EHC welcomes two new staff members on the EHC team
- Updates on community, communication and grant for NMOs
- Be part of our team – EURO 2020: Adapted Football and Physical Activity Camp!
- EHC Workshop on Novel Technologies in Haemophilia Care
- Some more EHC news
NMO news
- Have you heard of the ‘Stiff ankle society?’
- Nothing about us without us
- One more piece of news from our NMOs
Feature articles
- Patient education is taken to a whole new level
- Navigating through a transformed European landscape
News from our corporate partners
Calendar of events