On 9-11 September 2022, the European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) will hold its Workshop on Health Economics with a focus on tenders and Procurement for rare bleeding disorders.
What | The EHC Workshop on Health Economics focuses on Tenders and Procurement |
When | 9-11 September 2022 |
Where | Malmö, Sweden |
For whom | Patient representatives, healthcare professionals, and government officials nominated by EHC members from Western and Central Europe |
Registrations | Registrations will open from 21 June 2022 until 9 August 2022 |
More information | Contact Laura Savini |
16.00-18.00 hrs | Registrations |
19.30-21.30 hrs | Welcome dinner |
09.00-10.35 hrs | Session 1: Getting up to speed with data and figures in haemophilia | |
09.00-09.05 | Welcome and introduction | |
09.05-09.35 | An update on treatment in haemophilia A | |
09.35-09.40 | Q&A | |
09.40-09.55 | From data to models: The terminology, the inputs and the pitfalls | |
09.55-10.00 | Q&A | |
10.00-10.30 | An update on treatment in haemophilia B | |
10.30-10.35 | Q&A and closing of the session | |
10.35-11.00 hrs | Panel discussions: Do we have enough data and information to make an informed decision? | |
11.00-11.30 hrs | Break | |
11.30-13.00 hrs | Session 2: Getting up to speed with data on VWD and other rare bleeding disorders and economic concepts | |
11.30-11.35 | Welcome and introduction | |
11.35-12.05 | An update on treatments in VWD and other RBD | |
12.05-12.10 | Q&A | |
12.10-12.30 | From data to models: The outputs and what they do not say | |
12.30-12.35 | Q&A | |
12.35-12.55 | Using economic analysis to advocate: The Canadian case study | |
12.55-13.00 | Q&A, poll, a summary of the session and next steps | |
13.00-14.15 hrs | Lunch | |
14.15-15.15 hrs | Session 3: How to develop and consider information for a country evaluation? | |
14.15-14.20 | Welcome and introduction | |
14.20-14.40 | What are the difficulties with the data? Perspectives from payers and regulators | |
14.40-15.00 | Paying for uncertainty – Thoughts for the future | |
15.00-15.10 | Q&A | |
15.10-15.15 | Closing of the session | |
15.15-15.30 hrs | Break | |
15.30-16.30 hrs | Group work: Hands-on with an economic model | |
15.30-15.45 | Presenting the exercise | |
15.45-16.15 | Group exercises | |
16.15-16.30 | Presenting the exercise results | |
16.30-17.00 hrs | Break | |
17.00-18.15 hrs | Session 3 – Continued | |
17.00-17.05 | Welcome | |
17.05-17.45 | Mock technical appraisal: Introduction to gene therapy | |
17.45-18.00 | Feedback | |
18.00-18.15 | Discussions and closing remarks for the day | |
19.45-21.45 hrs | Workshop Dinner | |
09.00-10.30 hrs | Session 4: Focus on procurement – Finding the best fit | |
09.00-09.05 | Welcome and introduction | |
09.05-09.25 | Using value frameworks: Comparing treatment options’ data | |
09.25-09.30 | Q&A | |
09.30-09.50 | Finding the suitable pricing model for procurement – From scoresheets to long-term agreements | |
09.50-09.55 | Q&A | |
09.55-10.15 | How do different procurement approaches affect cost-effectiveness? | |
10.15-10.20 | Q&A | |
10.20-10.30 | Session closing and take-aways | |
10.30-11.00 hrs | Break | |
11.00-11.50 hrs | Mock technical appraisal: The introduction of VWD concentrate | |
11.50-12.00 | Break | |
12.00-12.45 | Panel discussions: Creating innovative procurement for bleeding disorders | |
12.45-13.00 | Workshop conclusions and wrap up | |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch and departures |