We are pleased to announce that the annual EHC Leadership Conference will take place in Brussels, Belgium, from Thursday, 6 June until Sunday, 9 June 2024.

The objective of the EHC Leadership Conference is to provide our NMOs the time to discuss issues that matter to them and are currently important to the bleeding disorders community, as well as to benefit from each other’s experience and best practices. Since it’s crucial to experience the learning process by doing, interactive and engaging elements are embedded in the event programme, where relevant.

+++Please note that an EHC Extraordinary General Assembly will be held on Friday, 7 June from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.+++

What EHC Leadership Conference 2024
When 6-9 June 2024
Where Hotel NH Brussels EU Berlaymont – Brussels, Belgium
For whom Up to 2 representatives, ideally from the below categories:

  • One senior NMO leader (e.g. President, Vice-President, etc.)
  • One young NMO leader (up to 30 years) who is committed to your NMO (e.g. youth group, etc.), for example, this might be the person you sent or wanted to send to the EHC’s Youth Leadership Workshop, or it could be another young person.
  • One paid staff person (e.g. CEO, Director, Communications or Programme Manager)


  • Anyone that NMO finds the Leadership Conference will be useful for, judging by the programme.

We are aware that these categories are limiting and therefore we will leave the NMOs the choice to send the representatives who will benefit from the Leadership Conference the most and through that bring added value to the NMO. When selecting your delegates to the Leadership Conference, please keep in mind that the EHC Extraordinary General Assembly will be held as well and will require voting.

Language English (simultaneous interpretation into Russian will be ensured, depending on the needs of the participants)
Programme Consult the programme in English here and in Russian here
Registrations Registration is closed
EHC staff contact person Zita Gacser, EHC Behavioural Change Lead – zita.gacser[@]ehc.eu