As of January 2023, that’s how you’ll come to know most of our EHC team. In part prompted by the global workplace-shifting pandemic. But primarily driven by the EHC staff team growing to ten members in ten years. This year we underwent an organisational change. Having arrived at our (original) target size – of ten – it was time to reassess where we were, where we wanted to enable the team to go, and how to get them there.
First, we re-examined our organisational culture. After all, we had been in start-up mode for many years. Tapering into something more stable, what did we want to keep – what to release – and what to gain? We enlisted the support of external organisational coach Svetoslava Stoyanova who worked with our team individually and collectively over six months and then shared her broad views and findings with our Steering Committee.
Second, we reimagined our organisational structures so that what we do as a staff team (and what we call what we do) remains in the service of who we are – culturally speaking – not just as a team but as a mirror of the patient community we serve.
It may come as no surprise to many that, in terms of organisational culture, we reaffirmed ours to be an even mix between a people-centred, growth-focused ‘collaboration culture’ and an entrepreneurial, dynamism-fueled ‘create culture’. The first is characterised by flexibility, a fast pace, and an emphasis on constant innovation and change. The second is characterised by close-knit individuals with a common purpose, mutual value regardless of position/level, and a growth-minded environment – in substance, not in size. In short, cultures that believe and invest in people and their continuous personal and professional development.
So how do we ensure we practice what we preach? We reaffirmed our horizontal organisational structure. And we moved from traditional ‘job titles’ – and descriptions – to cross-cutting ones. We created broad focus ‘leads’ and combined them with rotating portfolios of mix-and-match responsibilities across five thematic areas, subject to evolve over time.
Want to know more? Reach out for a virtual coffee or swing by our office, our door is always open to you.