Miguel Crato – EHC President
[email protected]

Miguel Crato has been a member of the EHC Steering Committee since his election in 2016 and re-election in 2020. In October 2023 at the General Assembly of the EHC Miguel was elected as the new EHC President. 

Miguel has also been a member of the EHC Inhibitor Working Group (IWG) since its establishment in 2015. In 2022, Miguel became a committee member of the groundbreaking European Rare and Inhibitors Network (ERIN). The ERIN project aims to foster best practices in treating and caring for those with extremely rare conditions, and enforce and help our National Member Organisations (NMO) with the differentiated tools to advocate for equality and equity within this underserved community. 

Over the years, Miguel has served as both a chair and speaker in various EHC events since 2014. Currently, he represents the organisation in the EAHAD Gene Therapy Working Group and the EAHAD Centre Certification Panel, showcasing his commitment to advancing cutting-edge treatments and certifications in bleeding disorders. Miguel also represented EHC as an expert in several European Medicines Agency (EMA) expert meetings. 

Prior to his involvement at the European level, Miguel served as the President of the Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia e de outras Coagulopatias Congénitas, the Portuguese NMO, from 2012 to 2020. His leadership at the national level also extended to being a member of the Portuguese National Haemophilia Commission and representing his NMO as an expert in the INFARMED (the HTA body in Portugal).

In addition to his extensive involvement in various committees and working groups, Miguel is currently a member of the WFH Bylaws Committee, further revealing his dedication to advancing the global bleeding disorders community.

Miguel has severe haemophilia A with inhibitors and mild factor VII deficiency. As a patient representative and community member, he has consistently prioritised empowering NMOs with the necessary tools to take an active role in shaping bleeding disorder treatment and care in their respective countries. He strives to support NMO members in achieving self-determination, fostering scientific knowledge, and adopting a positive approach towards managing their conditions.

Outside of his advocacy and community work, Miguel is a professional legal adviser and a jurist, a testament to his determination to make a difference personally and professionally.