What are EHC Activity Grants?

European National Member Organisations (NMOs) have important work to do but don’t always find the funding they need, when they need it. When this occurs, NMOs can apply to the European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) for co-funding* to:

  • Initiate a required project/programme, or
  • Allow an already-initiated project/programme to continue, or
  • Any other activity as deemed appropriate by the NMO and the EHC.

* Activities must have at least one other source of co-funding (e.g. NMO’s own budget, external funding sources, etc.). Activities cannot be funded solely by the EHC.

Which NMO activities are eligible?

All NMO activities designed to benefit national members, that directly support the improvement of the quality of life of people living with a rare bleeding disorder in their country, are eligible for co-funding. Activities involving more than one NMO working together are also eligible for funding. All activities must be in line with the EHC’s overarching mission and objectives.

Which NMO activities are not eligible?

Activity grants are not long-term solutions and cannot be used for operational costs (e.g. rent, salaries).

How does it work?

NMOs can apply for an activity grant directly with the EHC office all year-round (as the need arises). The full Steering Committee (SC) will review all applications and a decision will be made by a majority vote. Preference will be given to NMOs that have not already received an activity grant in the year of application. Grants are provided for a period of one year (12 months) and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who is eligible?

Only EHC NMOs can apply for activity grants. Preference will be given to NMOs that:

  • Have limited organisational funding and/or fundraising opportunities
  • Are active members of the EHC (e.g. have regular communication, respond to EHC surveys, etc.)
  • Are legal members of the EHC (e.g. are up-to-date with their membership fee payments)

What is the range of funding?

In the EHC budget there is a funding pool from which to provide small activity grants to NMOs. While there is no minimum or maximum amount per individual application, NMOs are asked to apply for only what they need in order to ensure that the EHC can provide maximum support to all of its members. The SC reserves the right to make a final decision on the amount granted.

What do grant recipients commit to?

After the grant has been received and used, NMOs commit to sending the EHC office:

A final budget and article for the EHC newsletter up to three months after completion of the activity.

How to apply?

For information about the application process, please write to office[at]ehc.eu

Here you can view and download the Activity Grant guidelines and application form in English and in Russian.

What are EHC Physical Activity Grants?

With the Physical Activity Grant (PAG), the European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) wants to support European National Member Organisations (NMOs) in organising physio and physical activities. When an NMOs wants to start up and organise such activity and needs funding for it because of lack of resources, they can apply to the EHC for co-funding* to:

  • Initiate a required project/programme, or
  • Allow an already-initiated project/programme to continue, or
  • Any other physio- activity as deemed appropriate by the NMO and the EHC.

* Activities must have at least one other source of co-funding (e.g. NMO’s own budget, external funding sources, etc.). Activities cannot be funded solely by the EHC.

Which NMO activities are eligible?

All NMO activities designed to improve the physical capacity of people living with a rare bleeding disorder in their country, are eligible for co-funding. Activities involving more than one NMO working together are also eligible for funding. All activities must be in line with the EHC’s overarching mission and objectives.

Which NMO activities are not eligible?

PAG’s are not long-term solutions and cannot be used for operational costs (e.g. rent of office, salaries of NMO staff, office materials, …). 

How does it work?

NMOs can apply for a PAG directly with the EHC office all year-round (as the need arises). The full Steering Committee (SC) will review all applications and a decision will be made by a majority vote. Preference will be given to NMOs that have not already received any activity grant in the year of application. Grants are provided for a period of one year (12 months) and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who is eligible?

Only EHC NMOs can apply for a PAG. Preference will be given to NMOs that:

  • Have limited organisational funding and/or fundraising opportunities
  • Are active members of the EHC (e.g. have regular communication, respond to EHC surveys, etc.)
  • Are legal members of the EHC (e.g. are up-to-date with their membership fee payments)

What is the range of funding?

In the EHC budget there is a funding pool from which to provide small PAG’s to NMOs. While there is no minimum or maximum amount per individual application, NMOs are asked to apply for only what they need in order to ensure that the EHC can provide maximum support to all of its members. The SC reserves the right to make a final decision on the amount granted.

What do PAG recipients commit to?

After the PAG has been received and used, NMOs commit to sending the EHC office:

A final budget and article for the EHC newsletter up to three months after completion of the activity.

How to apply?

For information about the application process, please write to office[at]ehc.eu

Here you can view and download the Physical Activity Grant guidelines and application form in English and Russian.

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