This WFH World Congress 2024 in Madrid was a blast, reuniting the finest professionals and the most inspiring advocates of the worldwide bleeding disorders community. Big applause to our Spanish member, Fedhemo, who hosted the event!

It was a great pleasure to meet so many of our National Members Organisations (NMOs) representatives: thank you all for swinging by our booth and engaging with our activities, such as the NMOs Lottery and the karaoke night out.

We are glad to announce that, on the afternoon of 24th April, the Kyrgyz Hemophilia Society was drawn as the winner of our lottery – the prize being a free registration and a travel grant to the next EHC Conference. Congratulations to our Kyrgyz friends!

Our time at the Congress was not only chats and fun together – EHC representatives spoke at the Congress sessions. Throughout the event, we also held our special NMOs session, and different side meetings dedicated to our VWD, WBD, and ERIN Committees to plan their future work. 

Now, we are looking forward to our next flagship gatherings: the EHC Leadership Conference on 6-9 June in Brussels, Belgium, and the EHC Conference on 4-6 October in Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Registration are already open here:EHC Leadership Conference & EHC Conference!